Christmas during Corona
A few weeks ago we started with the first Christmas preparations. That means: the heads together at 1.5 meters. Everything is different this year. How are we going to tackle this?
Everyone came up with good ideas. These ideas together resulted in a good preparation.
We have always held workshops in our store with a nice snack and drink, but this year it has to be different. We have a good alternative: the workshop package! Marijke and Henriët have been busy making clear descriptions and videos for this, so that everyone can make it themselves at home.
In addition, we have placed a party tent outside, so that you do not have to wait outside in the rain on busy days. We have nicely decorated these with lights, candles and beautiful decoration.
Every year it takes some getting used to when Christmas is approaching. The first Christmas pieces we make feel a bit awkward. In the meantime we are completely in the middle of it. With the glitter in our hair and the Christmas carols in our heads.
We have decided from the beginning to wear the masks and from December 1 unfortunately we have to make this mandatory in our store. We find this disruptive, but with this we hope to create a safe environment and follow the rules of the RIVM.
Wij willen als PV van de provincie Overijssel graag nog een workshop kerststuk maken inplannen. Ons idee zou zijn op 13 of 14 december.
Mijn vraag aan u is, zou u tijd en zin hebben om deze workshop te geven.
Mocht u tijd en zin hebben om deze workshop te geven dan ontvangen wij graag een offerte.
Wij moeten de workshop nog uitzetten dus hebben nog geen idee hoeveel personen hier aan gaan deelnemen.
Als u meer info wil dan hoor ik het graag.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Caroline Luchtenberg-Siero
Medewerker Facilitair Servicepunt
Team BVFAC | maandag, dinsdag en donderdag |
Provincie Overijssel | Postbus 10078 | 8000 GB Zwolle
Super leuk personeel hebben jullie!
Word altijd goed geholpen!
Groetjes Aniek